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Achieving 30x Faster Test Runs

Charities including the American Heart Association, the Boston and New York Marathons, and the American Red Cross all use GoFundMe Charity’s subscription-free platform for a world-class fundraising experience.

Find out how GoFundMe used Cypress to encourage their developers to work together with QA to write tests, how it allowed them to gain confidence in their test suite and deployments, and how they simultaneously accelerated their test runs by making the switch from Selenium. 

After switching to Cypress for their E2E tests, the GoFundMe Charity team accomplished:

  • 30x faster test runs
  • 98-99% reduction in test failures
  • 50% increase in developers writing tests 


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A complete end-to-end testing experience.

Install the Cypress app and write tests locally.

Set up tests

Installing Cypress is simple. No dependencies, extra downloads, or changes to your code required.

Write tests

Write tests easily and quickly, and watch them execute in real time as you build your web application.

Build up a suite of CI tests, record them and gain powerful insights.

Run tests

Debugging your tests in CI is as easy as running tests locally. With built in parallelization and load balancing.

Record tests

Record CI test data, screenshots and video - and view aggregated, next-level insights in your Dashboard.

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